Tuesday, May 31, 2011

CSA Season Commences Tomorrow!

Shares begin tomorrow, June 1st!

We had originally intended a later start date...but the glorious asian cabbages in the field as well as our waves of amber lettuce are singing a different tune:

"Gather ye rosebuds while ye may!"

On Farm pick-up will be from Noon-4

at Little Flower Farm
14352 MacClain

Gowen, MI 49326.....pass by the veggie field at Eden Farm, continue on down the hill on County Line Rd. and you are there! Grand Rapids drops will arrive sometime in the early afternoon.


This season is shaping up to be an excellent and extended one, so if you are still interested in signing up for 18 weeks email us littleflowerfarmcsa@gmail.com

If this unexpected change of start date is going to cause trouble for you, email us and we can make special arrangments for your pick-up this week.


  1. Hey, I recognize those cabbages! What a difference a month can make... It snowed here yesterday. Enjoy the fresh produce for me, will you?

  2. We shall toast you with forkfulls of salad out here in Southwest Michigan!!

  3. our supper was so tasty!!! thanks so much!!!

  4. I'm very excited about the veggies but I need help figuring out which is which?!!! Or do I do the same thing with all of them? I know the romaines and the bok choi but after that I'm lost. Thanks!
