The first lamb of the season would arrive on the windiest of March nights! Like Mary Poppins, she blew in as the wind changed under an umbrella of surprise.
A day later and the morning was so filled with bird chatter it seemed as if all the feathered and flibberty gibberty gossips of the avian world had alighted, moving into every nook and cranny and branch our trees have to offer. No doubt, they were exchanging exciting tidbits about their journey up from the south, the neighbor's new hatchlings, and of course, the delectable prospects of the upcoming seeding season for sweet and feed corn. Thank heaven's for Englishman John Seymour's little anecdotal advice about burying your onion sets and not leaving the little slips of tops poking ou
To prepare the ground for them, and for the spring onion plants we've been coddling in the greenhouse we harnassed Maj and Marta and shallowly plowed and disced the "bed". 400 ft rows sends
Two weeks ago with the help of his 70 year old expert woodsman of a son, we felled a giant of a tree that Mauritz planted behind his house as a seedling back in 1928. We were making way for more light for the greenhouses. It is humbling how immediately 2 men can change a landscape. How the needs of little early cabbage and spring onion seedlings can require the bold action of the felling of an 80 yr old tree.
* more on Anne and Eric Nordell's WEED THE SOIL, NOT THE CROP later. Suffice to say for the moment: A big hearty thank you to J. Straude for tipping our inspiration bank to brimming, and setting us in earnest action to emulate their sound practices!
I just LOVE seeing those flats of tiny new plants every year! Happy Spring! --mim