I know there are those that don't really want to see where their meat comes from and "how it's done". I used to be one of them.
But in this age of super-bugs and C.A.F.O.s it behoves everyone to find out about where Chicken Little and Mr. Moo came from, and how they spent the journey from farm to fork.
It is no compliment to the animal that has given it's life for you, to ignore the slaughtering process.
Then (having no fancy chicken plucking machine) we scald the bird in hot water,
and pick the feathers off.
After a nice rinse in cold water, the chicken is ready for roasting! We bag them and freeze them.
Ask Tyson is they will let you tour their processing plant.
The most endearing part of this process is the soothing maidens. Would that all deaths were proceeded by such gentleness.