Tuesday, January 15, 2019

JOIN US FOR our 2019 Season!

This year we are celebrating Little Flower Farm's 10th year farming, and 6th season as a CSA.
Sign up for one of our farm shares to join the party!


(and we mean REALLY fresh.) Best way to ensure the healthiest food for your and your family: buy from a guy who harvested it HOURS before it hit your plate. Support a gal whose big-time small-farm dream keeps sustainable agriculture alive and well in your community.
July Share: Garden Bounty

read this article on how fast some foods lose their nutrients after harvest

and then there is this from the ninetymilesproject.com:
"You already know that fruits and vegetables contain vitamins and nutrients that prevent the onset of diseases. However, they begin to lose their nutrients within one day to a full week. Some vegetables begin to lose 15% to 55% of their vitamin C content after a week, and spinach can lose up to 90% within 24 hours after harvest. On average, produce loses nutritious content within the first three days.
The loss of nutrient content reduces the vitamins and minerals you get even if you consume a lot of produce. MorCo Fresh cites that the increasing popularity of farm to market or end consumer delivery of fruits and vegetables is the result of awareness about this quick loss of nutritious chemicals after harvest."
We're hoping you'll decide to get fresh with us this season!
Yes we know...
The grocery store has convenience. So true. It's a one-stop shop where you can get toothpaste, cat food, organic veggies from CA, AND marshmallows. You can even get your pint of Ben and Jerry's to reward yourself for being good and stocking up on so many lovely USDA certified organic veggies from that CA mega-farm.
June Share: Green Goodness
Those shipped veggies aren't the same food as the veggies your local CSA farmer is offering in his farm-share box. That plastic cube filled with spinach riding in your grocery cart now has less than 10 percent of total initial nutrients. Most of the other pieces of produce have lost at least one third of their nutrients before they reached your cart. The marshmallows never had any to begin with.
Little Flower Farm Harvest Crew member in action
If you made a New Year's Resolution to eat for health....may we humbly suggest that you could eat the same things as last year, but simply substitute OUR veggies instead, and be fulfill that resolution? Every Farm Share box from Little Flower Farm comes with our hand-illustrated weekly newsletter containing a new recipe each week to aid in your culinary adventures....and every vegetable is harvested HOURS within delivery. There's really no substitute for FRESH. Really Fresh tastes Really Good. 
   And our small family farm needs members like you to survive and thrive. 
Click on the side-bar for more Farm-Share sign up info!